Gold Teeth/Grills

Grills have a history that traces back to 800 BC and 900 AD with Etruscans, Mayans, Sub-Saharan Africa, The Philippines and even in the Soviet Union, etc. As well as a Central Asian custom to present gold teeth to girls before their wedding as a sign of equity and respect. Then it hit mainstream culture and was popularized in the 1960s with hip hop. We are here to continue the tradition.
Our Custom Grills— a word from us
We make our grills thicker and durable to differentiate them from those of our competition. Like all quality crafted personalized jewelry, custom grills are made with the highest attention to detail and artisanship. Our grills start at $150 (single plain silver caps) and go up from there. Get your teeth done right. Here. Without a middleman. Proudly made in New York from the best.
Required information & things to consider when placing your order with us
Upper or Lower teeth?
How many and which teeth?
Incisors, Canines, Molars
Which type of precious metal?
Sterling Silver, Gold (10K, 14K, 18K), Platinum
What type of color?
Rose, White, Yellow
What type of finish?
Polished, Matte, etc.
Design specifics?
Full / Open Face / Gap /etc.
Would you like to set gemstones on them?
- Which type & color?
- How many?
- Where?
If you can, please submit a drawing / sketch / picture / image in order to help us understand what type of design you are going for.
Do you plan on having any dental work done on your teeth in the near future? (this may affect the way they fit later on). We recommend any pending / ongoing dental procedures to be completed before placing a grill order with us to ensure the long term fit of your grillz.